Welcome to our new forum.
Here you can find a great community for sharing new ideas and talking about day to day life.
Staff Applications image
Hello there! In order to apply for staff, here are the requirements

- You can't have been banned for any length of time (we can check).
- You need to be able to provide VIDEO EVIDENCE of any player hacking. (Obs is a good tool) Put any videos on our  Staff Discord Server (link given if you make it onto the staff team) and administrators will review the footage.

- Swearing or cursing will not be tolerated from any staff member or player. If a staff member is cursing he or she will be removed from that position. If any player is cursing all staff members can immediately mute them 1st offense is 1 day, 2nd 1 week 3rd 2 weeks 4th 1 month and the 5th and final offense will be a permanent mute. Any racism, sexism, etc will result in an immediate permanent mute.

- If a player needs you to come somewhere, you need to go to that place immediately.

- Do /rules in the server chat for more help on things that aren't tolerated
- Record any player bans (This is extremely important)

Please fill out this forum